Changes between Version 6 and Version 7 of NEWS-4.7.0

12/25/09 15:58:55 (14 years ago)



  • NEWS-4.7.0

    v6 v7  
    9898=== Fixes === 
    99  * Fixed broken building under uclibc <0.9.29 (#1726) 
    100  * Autoindent regression (#1669) 
    101  * Viewer Hex editor regression (#1675) 
    102  * Incorrect indentation block when selecting with F3 + keys (#1492) 
    103  * Fixed ownership of config files (#1617) 
    104  * fix broken check of option '--disable-vfs-undelfs' (#1607) 
    105  * Learn keys: fixed incorrect save of keys configuration (#1532) 
    106  * Fixed bug with 'The shell is already running a command' (#213) 
    107  * Fixed 'B' artefact into !OpenSuse console of root user. 
    108  * segfault on incorrect color pair in [Color] section 
    109  * incorrect position of panel codeset dialog 
    110  * limit of 9 digits for of file size display 
    111  * lines drawing in -a stickchars mode (#1497) 
    112  * segfault when you try to use non-anonymous FTP 
    113  * Ctrl-O handling under GNU Screen in altscreen mode 
    114  * support of CP866 (IBM866) locale 
    115  * checking for minimal version of glib and exit if version less than 2.6 
    116  * segfault by mouse wheel action in history list and menu (#1564) 
    117  * Fixed behvior with Meta+PgDn in editor (#1598) 
    118  * Fixed behvior with cursor movement by Ctrl+arrows when cursor besides EOL (#1599) 
    119  * Fixed editor autocompleting 
    120  * Fixed Copy/Move dialogs steal Kill Word shortcut 
    121  * Fixed autoconf issue when configure with --with-gpm-mouse option (#1419) 
    122  * linking error with --enable-vfs-undelfs 
    123  * external editor won't open if there are spaces in EDITOR variable 
    124  * C-c kill mc if mc built with --without-subshell option is run with -d option 
    125  * directory hotlist rendering 
    126  * segfault on empty replace string 
    127  * fixes for vfs/tarfs 
    128  * removing bashizm from vfs/extfs/u7z 
    129  * crash mc on create new file (Shift-F4) in external editor 
    130  * File copy/move dialog: in replacement field now handled asterisks as search groups (#414) 
    131  * VFS: Fixed SIGSERV(or heap corruption) on large filenames 
    132  * Fixed broken backward search (#1496) 
    133  * Fixed uninitialised value for mouse event in in find.c#check_find_events() function 
    134  * Fixed ctrl+z signal handling. 
    135  * Fixed incorrect showing prompt 
    136  * Fixed incorrect vertical selection (if line state swiched on) 
    137  * Fixed screen resize handle if mouse support is disabled 
    138  * Restore correct current directory after switch from Info panel to List one 
    139  * Fixed mouse support in 'konsole-256color' terminal 
    140  * Fixed keycodes in 'xterm-256color' terminal 
    141  * Fixed incorrect regexp search by content in 'file find' dialog (#1543) 
    142  * Fixed incorrect backwards search (#1558) 
    143  * Fixed incorrect detection of compressed patchfs 
    144  * Fixed incorrect detecting codeset when <no translation> codeset selected. (#1529) 
     99 * Fixed broken building under uclibc < 0.9.29 (#1726); 
     100 * Autoindent regression (#1669); 
     101 * Viewer Hex editor regression (#1675); 
     102 * Incorrect indentation block when selecting with F3 + keys (#1492); 
     103 * Fixed ownership of the config files (#1617); 
     104 * fixed broken option check '--disable-vfs-undelfs' (#1607); 
     105 * Learn keys: fixed incorrect save of keys configuration (#1532); 
     106 * Fixed bug with 'The shell is already running a command' (#213); 
     107 * Fixed 'B' artefact into !OpenSuse root user console; 
     108 * Segfault on incorrect color pair in [Color] section; 
     109 * Incorrect position of panel codeset dialog; 
     110 * Limit file size display to 9 digits only; 
     111 * Lines drawing in -a stickchars mode (#1497); 
     112 * Segfault when you try to use non-anonymous FTP; 
     113 * Ctrl-O handling under GNU Screen in altscreen mode; 
     114 * Support for CP866 (IBM866) locale; 
     115 * checking for minimal version of glib and exit if version less than 2.6; 
     116 * Segfault by mouse wheel action in history list and menu (#1564); 
     117 * Fixed behavior of Meta+PgDn in editor (#1598); 
     118 * Fixed behavior of the cursor movement by Ctrl+arrows when cursor is beyond EOL (#1599); 
     119 * Fixed editor autocompletion; 
     120 * Fixed stealing the Kill Word shortcut by the Copy/Move dialog; 
     121 * Fixed autoconf issue when configure with --with-gpm-mouse option (#1419); 
     122 * Linking error with --enable-vfs-undelfs; 
     123 * External editor won't open if there are spaces in EDITOR variable; 
     124 * C-c kill mc if mc built with --without-subshell option and is run with -d option; 
     125 * Directory hotlist rendering; 
     126 * Segfault on empty replace string; 
     127 * Fixes for vfs/tarfs; 
     128 * Removed bashizm from vfs/extfs/u7z; 
     129 * Crash mc on create new file (Shift-F4) in external editor; 
     130 * File copy/move dialog: asterisks are now handled as search groups in the in replacement field (#414); 
     131 * VFS: Fixed SIGSERV (or heap corruption) on long filenames; 
     132 * Restore correct current directory after switching from the Info panel to List panel; 
     133 * Fixed broken backwards search (#1496); 
     134 * Fixed uninitialized value for mouse event in in find.c#check_find_events() function; 
     135 * Fixed Ctrl+Z signal handling; 
     136 * Fixed incorrect prompt display; 
     137 * Fixed incorrect vertical selection (if status line is switched on); 
     138 * Fixed screen resize handle if mouse support is disabled; 
     139 * Fixed mouse support in 'konsole-256color' terminal; 
     140 * Fixed keycodes in 'xterm-256color' terminal; 
     141 * Fixed incorrect regexp search by content in 'file find' dialog (#1543); 
     142 * Fixed incorrect backwards search (#1558); 
     143 * Fixed incorrect detection of the compressed patchfs; 
     144 * Fixed incorrect detection of the codeset when <no translation> codeset is selected (#1529); 
    145145 * Editor undo fixes; 
    146  * Upstreamed many fixes from the distributions; 
     146 * Upstreamed many fixes from the distributions (Debian, ...); 
    147147 * Fixed segfaults on fish permission checks; 
    148148 * Fixed fish symlinks handling and fancy names escaping; 
    152152 * Code cleanups, various memleaks fixed (many thanks to valgrind). 