Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #3229, comment 6

06/29/14 14:24:28 (10 years ago)


  • Ticket #3229, comment 6

    initial v1  
    55The first is highlighing, and copying to the primary/selection buffers.  Here the correct behavior is to copy that newline (under certain circumstances which seem to hold when using ncurses/slang), there's nothing you could do.  Changing it not to copy that newline would lead to undesired misbehavior with many use cases.  The only thing that could be done is to extend ncurses/slang or rewrite mc so its paints its canvas in different ways that lead to not copying those newlines - none of which is likely to happen. 
    7 The second is when pasting, so that newlines are not pasted automatically.  This is the right place to catch the problem.  Note that PAC Manager uses VTE (the same terminal component as gnome-terminal does), albeit a pretty old and unmaintained version thereof.  So if you start this way, you'll end up at the gnome-terminal bug I linked in comment 4. 
     7The second is when pasting, so that newlines are not pasted automatically.  This is the right place to catch the problem.  Note that PAC Manager uses VTE (the same terminal component as gnome-terminal uses), albeit a pretty old and unmaintained version thereof.  So if you start this way, you'll end up at the gnome-terminal bug I linked in comment 4.