{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (3318 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

Results (2301 - 2400 of 3318)

4.7.0 (6 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#1803 Missed Qansi terminlal keys mc-tty closed fixed 4.7.0-pre4 defect minor andrew_b 11/18/09
#1720 need call refresh after insert mcedit closed fixed 4.7.0-pre3 defect major andrew_b 11/16/09
#1697 mc.ext entry for .mkv mc-core closed fixed 4.7.0-pre4 enhancement minor metux 11/11/09
#1695 Show EXIF for JPEG mc-core closed fixed 4.7.0-pre4 enhancement minor metux 11/11/09
#1694 mc.ext entry for .chm mc-core closed fixed 4.7.0-pre4 enhancement minor metux 11/11/09
#1749 mc does not build with Sun Studio compiler mc-core closed fixed 4.7.0-pre3 defect major slavazanko 11/04/09

4.7 (94 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#422 uzip will not work with new unzip 6.x mc-vfs closed duplicate 4.6.2 defect minor 03/20/16
#118 savannah: cannot specify port number in shell link mc-vfs closed fixed 4.6.1 enhancement major metux 01/12/14
#90 savannah: Can't parse unified diff header, occurence of /^---/ mc-vfs closed fixed 4.6.1 defect major kdave 01/12/14
#89 savannah: mc shows wrong metadata for ".." directory mc-core closed fixed 4.6.2 defect major andrew_b 01/12/14
#60 savannah: "Show directory sizes" should be interruptible mc-core closed fixed 4.6.2 enhancement minor andrew_b 01/12/14
#8 savannah: Bad shell activity detection mc-core closed duplicate defect minor 01/12/14
#4 savannah: Incorrect sorting of localized filenames mc-core closed fixed defect major 01/12/14
#2 savannah: UTF-8 locales not supported mc-core closed fixed defect major slavazanko 01/12/14
#115 savannah: Select codepage with Ctrl+T don't work locale closed fixed 4.6.1 defect major 01/11/14
#69 savannah: Bad regexp search in editor (" $") mcedit closed fixed defect major 01/11/14
#63 savannah: Search and replace misbehavior with regexps and lines>=1024 chars mcedit closed fixed defect major 01/11/14
#36 savannah: strange behavior with viewing files >2Gb mcview closed invalid 4.6.1 defect major 01/11/14
#23 savannah: escape key timeout stuff mc-core closed wontfix enhancement major 01/11/14
#1365 fancy highlighted tabs and spaces even while F3 block marking mcedit closed fixed master enhancement major 01/05/14
#191 (mandriva) extfs: use rar command if available mc-vfs closed fixed master enhancement major styx 07/17/12
#2635 [patch ready] [ftpfs] [regression] mc adds spaces at the beginning of all files/dirs on ftp servers mc-vfs closed fixed defect major slavazanko 06/11/12
#401 Current state of environmental issues on OSX (latest GIT updated source) mc-core closed invalid master defect major 12/07/11
#2643 4.8.0 can't compile on OpenIndiana (Solaris) mc-core closed fixed defect minor andrew_b 10/28/11
#2634 [patch ready] [ftpfs] [regression] mc cannot navigate over spftp servers mc-vfs closed fixed defect major slavazanko 10/24/11
#2254 in dialog "Copy File" not mark checkbox "preserve Attributes" for filesystem mount with FUSE (sshfs) mc-core closed fixed master defect major slavazanko 10/24/11
#1922 mc handles '@' in filenames in a vfs incorrectly mc-vfs closed fixed 4.7.0 defect minor 10/24/11
#1974 putty should be recognized as xterm-compliant - reopen of #49 mc-core closed wontfix enhancement major 10/11/11
#1928 initially not at start of a line mcview closed fixed master defect minor 09/27/11
#2054 Incorrect configure mc-core closed worksforme master defect major 07/14/11
#2073 ftp segfault on rename mc-vfs closed worksforme 4.7.1 defect major 06/17/11
#2295 file missing in distribution: maint/version.sh mc-core closed fixed 4.7.2 defect major 05/12/11
#2139 Fixup screen library imports mc-core closed fixed master defect major metux 03/21/11
#2112 mcedit - select text with Shift-PageUp|PageDown|Home|End mcedit closed wontfix version not selected enhancement minor 01/28/11
#2012 'External formater' touches /dev/null mcedit closed fixed defect major 01/28/11
#2009 support for dos text files in mcedit mcedit closed wontfix enhancement major 01/03/11
#2394 Persistent selection backspace issues mcedit closed fixed 4.7.4 defect trivial 12/29/10
#1880 Wrong detecrion of word size mc-core closed fixed master defect major angel_il 12/13/10
#1537 File overwrite prompt shows bad fielsize for files over 4GB mc-core closed fixed master defect major 12/05/10
#1939 If panels.ini exists, it will be used by not saved. If not, a 1 byte file is created mc-core closed fixed 4.7.4 defect major andrew_b 12/02/10
#2420 keyboard shortcut for changing to parent directory mc-key-bindings closed invalid 4.7.4 enhancement trivial 11/21/10
#2357 Readd lynx-syle motion to mc mc-core closed invalid 4.7.4 defect major 11/10/10
#2408 Prepare for release mc- mc-core closed fixed task major slavazanko 11/08/10
#2412 Wrong PHP syntax highlighting mcedit closed duplicate 4.7.0 defect minor scoubidou 11/07/10
#2395 Cannot scroll by dragging mouse on panel mc-core closed fixed defect minor andrew_b 10/19/10
#2367 Need backport FISH from 4.7.4 to 4.7.0.x mc-vfs closed fixed enhancement major angel_il 10/14/10
#2355 mcedit displays opened file with "^M" tag in end of each line mcedit closed duplicate defect minor 09/17/10
#153 syntax file format needs doc documentation closed fixed master enhancement minor 09/15/10
#2205 nosubshell not compatible with fish shell mc-core closed duplicate version not selected enhancement minor 09/15/10
#2004 Shell linking to freebsd or maemo shows empty folder mc-vfs closed fixed master defect major 09/15/10
#1958 ftp fails with tsocks mc-vfs closed worksforme defect minor NNemec 09/13/10
#2239 MC crash on copy into <dirname_with_LT_or_GT_signs> mc-core closed fixed 4.7.4 defect major slavazanko 09/11/10
#2342 Prepare for release mc- mc-core closed fixed task major slavazanko 09/07/10
#2340 100% CPU and growing memory usage when enters directory "foo [bar]", hangs when exits mc-core closed invalid defect major 09/05/10
#2296 slang import broken mc-core closed duplicate master defect major 07/26/10
#1964 Segfault in extfs.c mc-vfs closed worksforme 4.7.0 defect major 07/26/10
#2289 MC hangs with "fish: Getting host info..." while opening new ShellVFS, after entering remote password. mc-vfs closed invalid 4.7.3 defect critical angel_il 07/19/10
#2260 Prepare for stable release mc- mc-core closed fixed defect major slavazanko 07/05/10
#2255 Code cleanup before release mc-core closed fixed task major andrew_b 07/05/10
#1870 Listing mode settings failed on the left panel for unprivileged user mc-config-ini closed invalid 4.7.0-pre4 defect minor 06/30/10
#2236 mview segfaults when trying to view a man page. mcview closed fixed master defect major andrew_b 06/10/10
#2233 Pasting into editor does incremental indentation (regression) mcedit closed duplicate version not selected defect major 06/05/10
#2232 Prepare for stable release mc- mc-core closed fixed task major slavazanko 06/04/10
#2225 Code cleanup before release mc-core closed fixed task major andrew_b 06/04/10
#2219 mouse_move_pages option is not applied to the mouse scrolling in file panel mc-core closed fixed defect minor andrew_b 05/28/10
#2181 часть информации становится невидимой mc-core closed invalid 4.7.2 defect major 05/26/10
#1812 Various cleanups mc-core closed fixed 4.7.0-pre4 task major metux 05/25/10
#2185 Viewer and editor make 100% CPU last mcview closed invalid 4.7.2 defect critical 05/07/10
#2167 Prepare for stable release mc- mc-core closed fixed task blocker slavazanko 05/07/10
#1699 Incorrect gray color mc-skin closed invalid 4.7.0-pre3 defect minor 05/06/10
#2078 src-charsets.c-getting-rid-of-errbuf_255 mc-core closed fixed master enhancement minor andrew_b 05/05/10
#2065 mc crashes when entering a deb file created from mc mc-vfs closed invalid 4.7.1 defect major 05/03/10
#2140 Viewing binaries under screen causes massive corruption for single byte locales mc-tty closed duplicate master defect major 05/03/10
#2144 Find file dialog should have its own "Content" history mc-core closed duplicate 4.7.1 enhancement major 04/15/10
#2138 Overlapping controls in auxiliary dialogs mc-tty closed duplicate master enhancement major 04/08/10
#1728 configure: error: S-Lang library version 2.0 or newer not found mc-core closed wontfix 4.7.0-pre3 defect major 04/07/10
#2128 Prepare for stable release mc- mc-core closed fixed version not selected task blocker slavazanko 04/02/10
#2079 src-cmd.c-seems-UN-needed-function-do_edit mcedit closed wontfix master defect trivial 03/31/10
#2023 GLib-ERROR **: gmem.c:175: failed to allocate 18446744073709551615 bytes mc-core closed invalid defect major 03/17/10
#2077 src-widget.c-seems-missing-g_free-kill_buffer mc-core closed fixed master defect trivial 03/04/10
#1778 Can't scroll to the very down mcview closed fixed 4.7.0-pre4 enhancement minor 02/27/10
#2061 Prepare for stable release mc- mc-core closed fixed task blocker slavazanko 02/26/10
#1891 Testfarm in ./contrib mc-core closed fixed master task major slavazanko 02/25/10
#1744 Command menu in mcedit is too long for 80x25 terminal mcedit closed duplicate 4.7.0-pre3 defect major 02/21/10
#1807 bizarre input vs. output mixup mcview closed duplicate master defect critical 02/21/10
#1709 ftp copy mc-vfs closed duplicate 4.7.0-pre3 defect major 02/21/10
#1386 editor: F7 search does not remember last search string across editing sessions mc-core closed duplicate 4.6.2 defect major 02/21/10
#252 Basic doxygen descriptions for files in src mc-core closed fixed 4.6.2 task major styx 02/21/10
#1602 Don't work Shift+Arrows keys for text select mcedit closed invalid 4.7.0-pre1 defect major 02/21/10
#1615 filename highlighting very hard to read mc-core closed wontfix master defect major 02/21/10
#129 FHS-Break: cons.saver should be in ${libexecdir}/mc mc-core closed fixed defect minor 02/21/10
#1570 Убрать символы ^M в конце строк при редактировании файлов с переносом в DOS-стиле (0Dh, 0Ah) mcedit closed invalid 4.7.0-pre1 task major 02/21/10
#317 regular expression replace does not work correctly in mcedit mcedit closed wontfix 4.6.2 defect major 02/21/10
#352 Patch to add XZ compression support. mc-core closed fixed 4.6.2 enhancement minor slavazanko 02/21/10
#382 Tab completion causes a crash mc-core closed fixed master defect critical slavazanko 02/21/10
#360 git master: freebsd-7.2 does not handle properly singlebyte locales mc-core closed fixed 4.6.2 defect major slyfox 02/21/10
#1981 Need to add AM_PROG_CC_C_O in 'configure.ac' mc-core closed fixed 4.7.0 defect major slavazanko 02/21/10
#199 Drop support for slang-1.x mc-core closed fixed 4.6.1 defect major metux 02/21/10
#270 "intrested" should be "interested" adm closed fixed 4.6.2 defect trivial slavazanko 02/21/10
#363 compare directories does not work in git mc-core closed fixed master defect major slavazanko 02/21/10
Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.